LAO TSUMURA Recognized for Prospective Contribution to Laos
  • News Release

Tsumura & Co. (Headquarters: Tokyo, President: Junichi Yoshii) announces that the company's proposal to cultivate crude drugs in the Lao People's Democratic Republic ("Laos"), under LAO TSUMURA CO., LTD., a local corporation established by the company, has qualified for a new Japanese government program to promote the public-private initiative*1 "public-private partnership for accelerating growth." This is the first case that a proposal by a private company has been approved for the program since its launch.

Our Proposal

Survey and removal of unexploded ordnance to ensure the safety of the land for the cultivation of crude drugs in Laongam, Saravan province, Laos

Reason for the Proposal Acceptance:
The following main activities involved in the cultivation of crude drugs have been recognized for their contribution to the economic development of Laos.

  • Better lives for mountain farmers through the creation of more than 1,000 jobs
  • Improvement of agricultural technology through its transfer and diffusion
  • Shift from a dependence on slash-and-burn agriculture toward recycling agriculture allowing sustainable land use

The Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS)*2 will receive grant aid for Japanese NGO projects to remove unexploded ordnance from the 200ha proposed site for the cultivation of crude drugs.

Once safety can be assured, Tsumura & Co. plans to expand this site to 1,000ha. The company will continue its contributions to the country's economic development through the cultivation of crude drugs, the expansion of job opportunities, and agricultural technology transfer and diffusion.

*1. Public-private initiative: A governmental program begun in April 2008 to accept proposals from private companies for the purpose of contributing to the expansion of job opportunities, technology transfer, and trade and investment promotion, which ODA (Official Development Assistance) cannot pursue alone, through the cooperation between private companies' activities and the ODA in developing countries.

*2. Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS): An organization established for the purpose of supporting and cooperating in the disposal of mines, unexploded ordnance, or its equivalent and cooperating in activities carried out by other organizations, and thereby contribute to the autonomous development of all regions and people.