Corporate Philosophy

DNA Pyramid

All of Tsumura’s business operations are imbued with the DNA inherited from its founding.
This DNA is made up of layers upon layers of the desires and thoughts of our predecessors,
which have become a source of enhancing the value of Tsumura’s business and expanding its possibilities.
With this heritage carried by the DNA, we contribute to the healthy lives of individuals
by bringing together nature’s wisdom and science.



In the Spirit of Nature’s Laws

The above phrase expresses our commitment to conducting business correctly in accordance with the principles of nature in any circumstances. This constitutes Tsumura’s backbone philosophy for conducting business.
Junten no Seishin, the original Japanese phrase for “In the Spirit of Nature’s Laws,” was used in Tsumura Juntendo, the original name of the company when it was founded.
To this date, Tsumura has continued observing the tradition of conducting business correctly in accordance with the principles of nature “In the Spirit of Nature’s Laws.”

Corporate Purpose

Business commitment that we aim to ultimately accomplish

Lively Living for Everyone

Our Corporate Purpose is defined as “business commitment” that we aim to ultimately accomplish looking ahead 50 or 100 years. We are committed to contributing to the healthy lives of individuals throughout their life stages by bringing together nature’s wisdom and science. In doing this, we look at each person, paying careful attention to physical and mental changes, as people do to their loved ones.

Corporate Value Corporate Mission

Basic value, reason for existence, purpose for being

Corporate Value

The Best of Nature and Science

Our Corporate Value stated as “The Best of Nature and Science” represents the unalterable basic value pursued by the Tsumura Group.
This statement also reflects our strong commitment to elucidating the action mechanisms of Kampo medicine and promoting evidence-based Kampo treatment, aiming to contribute to the better treatment of diseases.

Corporate Mission

To contribute to the unparalleled medical therapeutic power of the combination of Kampo medicine and Western medicine

In order to establish a position for Kampo formulations as a treatment option in Japan, Tsumura has been engaged in accumulating evidence for Kampo formulations in the field of Western medicine. Whether the West or the East, medical science aims to treat disease, and both styles of medicine should be used if they can contribute to effective treatment solutions. This is our belief underlying the above statement.

Sustainability Vision
Long-term Management Vision

Sustainability Vision

Living with nature for tomorrow.

Humanity should live in harmony with nature. Since we are promoting a business that uses crude drugs, which are substances provided by nature, and leading it into the future, we need to be extremely sensitive to changes in the natural environment as well as any potential crises it may face. We will aim at the well-being of the earth itself, by maintaining a good balance between our lifestyles, our society and the natural environment so that they form a healthy cycle.

Long-term Management Vision

Cho-WA: Creating a Future of Harmony

We are endeavor to create a future 10 years from now that achieves “Cho-WA” (a well-balanced state) between mind and body, between individuals and society, and between Kampo medicine and Western medicine through the three Ps.

Basic Keynote

Tradition and innovation

The Basic Keynote sets forth the corporate attitude and corporate climate to be achieved, and serves as action guidelines for individual employees to refer to on a day-to-day basis.
Tsumura has a solid tradition established over its long history.
This tradition is not the simple accumulation of history.
Rather, the tradition has been formed through continuous innovation and passed down to the future.
The natural and social environment that embraces human living is undergoing a continuous sequence of generation and development, effecting perpetual transformation even at this very moment.
In this situation, social value also changes constantly with the times.
At the Tsumura Group, each person is progressing step by step to create a new chapter in its history, while offering appreciation to our predecessors. Mindful of our past traditions, we will endeavor to create a new tradition through taking the initiative in promoting reform.

Logo mark

The Tsumura logo mark is an expression of our management philosophy, "The Best of Nature and Science," in a shape that resembles a chemical structure formula.
The box shapes at the top represent "humanity" and "life," and the T from "Tsumura" supports them from below.
Additionally, our corporate color, Tsumura sepia, refers to the color of "earth," which is the natural source from which medicinal herbs come alive.